Tips to reduce stress right now.

by Herbs, Etc.

man enjoying the sun

Stressful situations can be overwhelming, which is why we’re sharing our favorite four step program to reduce stress immediately:

1. Walk away from the stressful situation, at least temporarily.
2. Go outside, sit down and take in nature – a tree, a flower or a view. Just you and nature. No devices allowed.
3. Stand in the sun for a few minutes. The warmth is relaxing and the vitamin D is good for you.
4. During the day turn on music that you find relaxing and have it running in the background. Consider having relaxing music always running in the background, as sort of a prophylactic against stress.

Eat an antioxidant-rich snack or meal, such as a fruit and veggie smoothie. Sometimes stress can lower your immune system. Eating something healthy can help to counter that.
