Fresh Herbs
We use fresh herbs when volatile, delicate and fragile active constituents are needed.
Herbs, Etc. buys freshly picked herbs that are shipped overnight to us.
Our proprietary kinetic maceration method extracts up to 50 percent more active constituents than other conventional methods.
Dried Herbs
We use dried herbs when stable, hardy and concentrated active constituents are needed.
Herbs, Etc. buys whole dried herbs and grinds what we need when we need it, ensuring the freshest dried powder possible.
Using liquid nitrogen during the grinding process prevents heat damage to the herbs.
We then pack the ground dry herbs in cold process percolators and add the alcohol and water solution that extracts the most active constituents possible.
Most manufacturers buy already ground powders, which means they don’t know if other herbs have been added to the powder they received.
It also means that the potency of the already ground powder is significantly lessened between the time it ships to the manufacturer, is used in an herbal medicine and makes it to the store shelf.

Classic Liquid Extracts
When making our classic liquid extracts, we pack ground dry herbs in cold process percolators and add alcohol and water.
That solution extracts the most active constituents possible.
Non Alcohol Liquid Extracts
We make these extracts by removing the alcohol with another proprietary cold processing method.
We then bottle it for those who want a non alcohol liquid extract or use it for our convenient softgels.

Our softgels are filled with our non alcohol liquid extract and encapsulated at our Santa Fe, New Mexico manufacturing facility.
Most herbal medicine companies don’t make their own softgels. They send their extract to contract manufacturers who use it to make the softgels these companies sell under their brand name.
Organic Processes and Herbs
Herbs, Etc. uses organic herbal extraction processes. Our manufacturing facility has been certified as an organic processor for decades.
We use as many organic herbs as we can source. Not all herbs can be grown organically. Some can only be harvested from the wild.

Herbal Medicines Made Right™
When you buy Herbs, Etc. products, you know you’re getting the most active constituents and the highest quality herbal medicines possible.
Each herbal medicine is released only after it goes through rigorous quality control to ensure safety and satisfaction. We do all of this to bring you herbal medicines made right™.
Osha Sustainability
Osha grows wild in the high-altitude Rocky Mountain range. It has been wild harvested for hundreds of years.
Its root has been used by generations of Southwestern Native Americans and Hispanics to support their respiratory health.
Herbs, Etc. takes a personal interest in preserving this herb. For over 20 years, we’ve worked with a leading university to study Osha sustainability.
Read Osha Root Sustainability.

Daniel Gagnon
Daniel creates the company’s
formulations, is a published author and the acting director of the Botanical
Research and Education Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Read Daniel’s 10 Elements to Great Health.
Associations We Support
American Botanical Council - Member
Providing education to the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry and media that is both science-based and traditional.
American Herb Association - Member
Promoting the understanding and ecological use of medicinal herbs and aromatherapy.
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia - Member
Promoting the responsible use of herbal medicines with the highest possible degree of efficacy and safety.
American Herbal Products Association - Member
Ensuring consumers enjoy informed access to high quality herbal medicine products.
American Herbalists Guild - Member
Representing the goals and voices of herbalists.
United Plant Savers - Member
Protecting native U.S. and Canadian medicinal plants, including Osha.