Summer exercise. Lots of options. Lots of benefits.

by Herbs, Etc.

Summer, and the warmer weather, is the perfect time to get outdoors and exercise. There are so many options, including walking, hiking and swimming. 

Outside exercise provides you with benefits you don’t easily enjoy when exercising indoors: fresh air, vitamin D and nature. 

Cost doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying the great outdoors. Many options are free. Bring water to keep hydrated.

Other than cardio, you can continue to build your muscles. Some areas have setup interval training stops for you to do pull-ups, sit-ups, crunches and the like. Or you can stop during your cardio and add in these types of muscle mass building activities. 

Building muscle also includes eating protein – it doesn’t have to be animal protein. There are a variety of plant-based protein options.

Here is another summer exercise post. Take a couple of minutes to peruse. It can provide a lot of information you need right now.

Enjoy the summer!